Audit Preparation

What Are The Benefits Of COR?

  • Increased Work Opportunities

    COR or SECOR certification increases bidding opportunities and attracts more clients, leading to a higher volume of projects and revenue. Accredited companies stand out in the market, positioning themselves competitively and gaining access to a wider range of contracts and potential clients.

  • Lower WCB Premiums

    COR and SECOR accreditation often results in reduced Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) premiums, offering significant cost savings and improving financial stability. Companies with these certifications demonstrate a commitment to health and safety standards, earning preferential treatment and lower insurance costs as a result.

  • Stamp Of Excellence

    COR and SECOR represent endorsements of excellence in health and safety management, earned through meticulous evaluation against provincial standards. Holding these certifications enhances reputational integrity and fosters trust among clients and stakeholders, signaling a company's dedication to maintaining high workplace safety standards.

How To Get A COR

  • Step 1: Choose Your Certifying Partner

    In Alberta alone, you have a choice among 13 authorized Certifying Partners dedicated to administering the COR program to employers. Selecting the right partner for your company and industry is key to your success.

  • Step 2: Craft Your Health & Safety Management System

    You must have a robust health and safety management system. Deluxe Safety Services is your trusted ally in tailoring a system that meets the auditing requirements of your chosen partner. With each partnership having its unique audit document, we ensure your manual is finely tuned for success. Visit our customized Safety Programs & Manuals page for more details or book a Free Consultation.

  • Step 3: Get Ready for the Audit

    With your health and safety management system in place and a solid three months of documentation under your belt, it's time for the crucial audit phase. Depending on your company size:

    For small employers (SECOR): Arrange a hassle-free self-assessment with your Certifying Partner. Deluxe Safety Services is ready to assist you every step of the way.

    For employers with more than 10 employees (COR): Secure an external audit with your Certifying Partner. Book a quick meeting with us to guide you.

Ready To Gain A Competitive Edge?

Deluxe Safety Services is your gateway to achieving COR or SECOR seamlessly. Let's elevate your safety standards together!